Full Facelift - An Effective Wrinkle Removal Method

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Many customers choose the Full Facelift procedure, a beauty method that successfully postpones the signs of aging. Along with high techniques to handle wrinkles, deep laugh lines, etc., how does a full Facelift give such a miraculous effect? Let's find out with Ngoc Phu Aesthetic Hospital through the following article!

Căng da mặt toàn phần là phương pháp làm đẹp, đẩy lùi dấu hiệu lão hóa hiệu quả được nhiều khách hàng lựa chọn

What is Full Facelift?

A Full Facelift helps to improve the visible signs of aging on the face and neck area, such as:

  • Stretched, saggy facial skin

  • Wrinkles, crow's feet appear on the forehead, corners of the eyes, corners of the mouth

  • Loose skin, excess fat in the neck

  • Deep laugh lines

  • Aged, less youthful facial features

The loss of youthful facial contours can be caused by many different factors, including: thinning facial skin, loss of facial fat, gravity, sun damage, smoking, genetics or due to excessive stress for a prolonged period.

Some methods that can be performed along with Full Facelift includes: Brow Lift, Upper or Lower Eyelid Rejuvenation surgery. Additionally, it is possible to utilize procedures such as IPL, laser, etc. that are specifically intended to improve the skin's quality and structure.

Căng da mặt toàn phần trong phẫu thuật giúp cải thiện các dấu hiệu lão hóa xuất hiện trên gương mặt , có thể nhìn thấy tại vùng cổ và vùng mặt,

Why should you choose Full Facelift?

Why should you choose Full Facelift? This is the question that Ngoc Phu Aesthetic Hospital receives the most when consulting services for customers. From the age of 25, the skin starts to lose elasticity, droop, develop wrinkles, crow's feet, smile lines, and enlarged pores; all of which are indications of facial aging. This is because the production of collagen and elastin is no longer as strong as it once was.

To improve this situation thoroughly, Facelift is an effective beauty method, which works to repel wrinkles and folds in the neck, at the same time completely eliminates loose and excess tissues that cause sagging skin.

Ở độ tuổi từ 25 trở đi, do quá trình sản sinh collagen và Elastin không còn mạnh như trước nữa, da bắt đầu bước vào thời kỳ mất đi khả năng đàn hồi, bị chảy xệ

Causes of aging

Signs of aging appear partly from the customers themselves, with the subjectivity, not taking enough care of the facial skin, always being in a state of stress, insufficient diet, inadequate intake of vegetables and fruits, which leads to inadequate vitamin and mineral content.

Additionally, some customers often consume stimulants, alcohol, stay up late, and neglect sleep. We also cannot ignore the fact that hormonal imbalances cause a considerable decrease in the cell's capacity to produce collagen and elastin, which damages skin structure and causes skin loosening and darkening.

In addition to the aforementioned reasons, excessive UV exposure, a polluted, dusty environment, or the use of cosmetics with an unknown origin also causes the skin to age quickly.

Nguyên nhân của sự lão hóa xuất hiện một phần xuất phát từ bản thân của khách hàng, với sự chủ quan, không chăm sóc tốt cho da mặt, đầu óc luôn trong trạng thái căng thẳng, stress,..

The Full Facelift procedure

  • Step 1: Consultation

This is the first and also the most important step. In this step, doctors will evaluate the degree of skin aging on the face and neck to decide the best beauty solution.

  • Step 2: General health check

In order to determine whether a customer is qualified to safely engage in the Full Facelift operation, the customer will receive a general health examination that may include blood tests, urine tests, blood pressure measurements, heart rate monitoring, etc.

  • Step 3: Anesthesia

In order for customers to experience the least amount of pain and discomfort during surgery, doctors will choose an appropriate anesthesia method. Customers may choose to combine the Facelift procedure with other procedures, such as fat grafting or eyelid surgery, to increase the effectiveness of cosmetic results.

  • Step 4: Perform Full Facelift

Customers can opt to conduct one of the following methods for a facelift, depending on the degree of severe or light aging signs on the face and the doctor's instructions: Traditional facelifts, endoscopic facelifts, minimally invasive facelifts, neck lifts, etc.

During a classic facelift, doctors often make an incision that begins at the hairlines of the temples, goes down and around the ears, and ends at the lower scalp. The muscles are lifted after doctors intervene, dissect the underlying tissues, and reposition the deeper layers of the face. Excess skin is removed, facial features are improved, and the skin is rejuvenated.

There is another method other than conventional facelift, which starts with smaller incisions at the temples and wraps around the ears. A "Mini Facelift" produces less youthful-looking effects than a Full Facelift, thus it is typically only used on individuals with less elastic skin.

A neck lift treats drooping and fat buildup beneath the chin. The incision for a neck lift often starts at the hair behind the ear, wraps around the back of the ear, and ends there.

  • Step 5: Complete the procedure

The incision will be sutured by doctors with cosmetic or self-dissolving thread, in addition, the wound can also be closed with glue. No visible scars will remain once the wound has healed and the incisions have been skillfully hidden away in the hairline.

  • Step 6: Post-operative care at home

The results of a Facelift will be obtained when the swelling is reduced. After the procedure, customers will receive detailed instructions on how to care for the wound, apply or take medication, schedule a follow-up appointment with doctors, and more.

Post-operative care procedure after Full Facelift

After the Full Facelift surgery, customers will be taken to the post-operative care room at Ngoc Phu Aesthetic Hospital, after the results are stable, customers will be discharged that same day. Additionally, customers should follow the following instructions in order to get the desired outcomes after surgery:

  • Customers need to take time to rest and relax, avoid doing heavy work.

  • Avoid touching the wound and keep it dry and clean.

  • Do not eat foods that affect the healing process and cause scarring such as: Beef, seafood, sticky rice, water spinach, or stimulants.

  • It is important to protect the skin from the damaging effects of sunlight, dirt, and water when going out.

  • After about 2 weeks, or when the wound is entirely dry, customers can gently wash and dry their hair.

  • Take pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medicines as prescribed by doctors.

  • Follow-up appointment with doctors as scheduled.

As such, Full Facelift is a procedure that reduces the appearance of visible aging signs on the face and neck, such as sagging facial skin and wrinkles between the corners of the mouth and the nose.